Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Couple of questions

I have a couple of questions :

  1. Then right click and remove selected moves the files will not be removed? How can this be done?
  2. My Movie list in TinyMediaManager shows 430 but when checking amount of folders in my main there is 432, how do I findeout the missing movies?
1) we barely touch the physical files on the filesystem - so a remove currently only deletes this from database.
we are already thinking about that point, how to delete complete movies or single files physically in a slick way... so you can't do anything wrong Smile

2) Depends, how you organized your movies;
But TMM scans for movie fileextensions (setup-able in settings)... and generates a movie out of them.
If we dont find this movie, the fileextension of the videofile is probably not there.

Since we can have multiples movies in multiple subdirectories, it's not an easy task to find where the missing 2 are.
Unfortunately, we do not log all files we find to the logfile (would be too much)

One way could be, to use the renamer (if you already scraped your moves with correct title/year).
You could "rename" all your movies folders (not filenames - keep empty) to some "backup\$T ($Y)" pattern.
So all detected folders with files should be moved into backup dir.
And the folders left are the not detected movies ^^
Yes, it's a way it could work, but i do not recommend this - it is completely moving all your movies out of your (for me unknown) structure..

tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
1. For me a program like TMM are all about managing your collection. This should include scraping, change names and remove. It feels a bit strange that I have to go to the source manually to remove the files and then do a update in TMM. I hope you find a good way to implement this..

2. My structure are a main folder "Movies" that contains a subfolder for all movies. The subfolder are named after the movie and within this subfolder there could be 1 or 2 media files + meta data.

If I can be sure that TMM do not alter och remove any movies then it would be okay to move the found objects to a temprarly folder and then back again. I will try this.

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