Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Bug Universal Movie Scraper

Using ACE and Universal Movie Scraper I am seeing a display issue. When I go to configure the Universal Movie Scraper the skin does not properly display the settings for this addon. After clicking configure for the addon I can see the list of items going down the left, these include: General, Plot, Credits, Poster, Fanart, etc.

If I choose General, over on the right it will not display anything. If I click down I can see one or two items scroll by super faster and then one of the items will appear at the bottom of the screen for me to configure. It should show all items at the very top on one screen though it doesn't. It's almost as if the skin is creating say 100 lines of space between each option.

If there's anything I can provide to help out let me know.
Same here

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