Bug reports
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Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
When notifications are displayed in the notification pop-up in the skin, sometimes they disappear before the whole text has been scrolled through.

This is especially evident in languages other than English which have longer strings as a result of their grammar (e.g. Norwegian, which I am using). Would it be possible to incorporate some conditional logic or similar into the pop-up which forces it to stay on screen until the whole message has been scrolled through?
Irritating isn't it? Unfortunately the timing of the notification dialog load/unload is managed by XBMC itself. All I can do as a skinner is trigger an animation event when the dialog closes.

It's an important point though - might be one to raise as a bug report / feature request with the XBMC dev team.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
No problems posting a bug issue/feature request to XBMC. Perhaps this should be raised as a localization issue? As well, could you give me a few pointers, thedeadman, as to the relevant parts of XBMC that handles the notification animation event and timing of the notification dialog load/unload? I'd like to include as much info as possible in the post. If you'd like, you can just PM me this.

I would imagine it could be possible to incorporate a simple toggle switch to force notifications to stay on screen in the appearance menu of the system setting.
Hi Solbero,

The skin XML file that handles notifications is DialogKaiToast.xml

The message is displayed in a label control, ID=402.

Looks like the underlying control is coming from GUIDialogKaiToast.cpp:

I don't do C, but it looks like the display time is fixed as a constant to 5secs. I imagine a better way would be to calculate display time based on the length of the string to display and the speed of the scroll..

It's probably best to raise this on trac rather than the forum: http://trac.xbmc.org/ Happy to chip in and support.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
If feel like I'm going into Entomology. =) One of the add-ons I regularly use is Advanced Launcher. This add-on has severe display issues in Maximinimalism. I'm not sure if this is the add-on's fault or a bug in the skin. Though I suspect the latter as it displays fine in Confluence.

Here is a screenshot of the issue:

And here is the relevant output of xbmc.log:
08:52:19 T:140601232180992   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py): entering source directory /storage/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher
08:52:19 T:140601232180992   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.program.advanced.launcher" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
08:52:19 T:140601232180992   DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at /storage/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/language/English, fallback to strings.xml
08:52:19 T:140601248966400   DEBUG: WaitOnScriptResult- plugin returned successfully
08:52:19 T:140601232180992    INFO: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py): script successfully run
08:52:19 T:140600770811648  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
08:52:19 T:140600770811648   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 140600770811648 terminating
08:52:19 T:140601969018688   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 81669:160 0 KEY_OK_UP devinput (KEY_OK_UP)
08:52:19 T:140601232180992    INFO: Python script stopped
08:52:19 T:140601232180992   DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140601232180992 terminating
08:52:47 T:140601969018688   DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-x86_64-linux.so)
08:52:47 T:140601969018688   DEBUG: Unloading: ImageLib-x86_64-linux.so
08:52:49 T:140601248966400   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 140601248966400 terminating (autodelete)
Ha - no problem. Just posted a fix to my staging branch. Give that a go and let me know how you get on.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism

Using the "Oz Weather" weather provider, there is no data displayed on the home screen. It works fine when pressing down to enter the weather screen however.

Bug 2:

On Windows 8, 64-bit, XBMC 13.1 with the latest version of the master branch from git, pressing "TV Guide" causes XBMC to crash. I am using Argus as PVR backend.

http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=223314 Here is my log from turning verbose logging on, going to video, selecting the "Live TV" option, then the "TV Guide" one. There is nothing obvious that seems to be causing the crash.

PVR works fine in other skins in EPG view so I am not sure why it's crashing just in Maximinimalism.
(2014-06-11, 04:31)smbkr Wrote: Bug:

Using the "Oz Weather" weather provider, there is no data displayed on the home screen. It works fine when pressing down to enter the weather screen however.

Bug 2:

On Windows 8, 64-bit, XBMC 13.1 with the latest version of the master branch from git, pressing "TV Guide" causes XBMC to crash. I am using Argus as PVR backend.

http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=223314 Here is my log from turning verbose logging on, going to video, selecting the "Live TV" option, then the "TV Guide" one. There is nothing obvious that seems to be causing the crash.

PVR works fine in other skins in EPG view so I am not sure why it's crashing just in Maximinimalism.


I am using xbmc for several years now. Maximinimalism is by far the best skin I've ever used. Thanks a lot to the developer.

Unfortunately I am facing exactly the same problem as stated above:

Pressing "TV Guide" causes XBMC to crash. EPG View works fine with other skins (confluence, aeon mq, ...). I am using Win7 64bit, xbmc 13.1 with WMC PVR.

Quote:Using the "Oz Weather" weather provider, there is no data displayed on the home screen. It works fine when pressing down to enter the weather screen however.
I get a script error from that plugin (i'm guessing it detected i'm a Pom). No worries (*ahem*) I've changed how the homescreen sources its weather data - that should fix it. Will be in the next update.

@smbkr, @ohh75:
This is a tricky one - I don't have a way of testing those PVR setups. I'm assuming it must be down to the EPGgrid control that displays the data so will compare against Confluence and see if I can pin it down. Nothing obvious in the crash log sadly.

Would one or both of you be willing to help me test if I need to test a few things out on the 'staging' branch of my GIT repo? (https://github.com/chrisbevan/skin.maxim...ee/staging)
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
sure. just let me know when and how to test.
The bug with adding .m3u playlist files as shortcuts in the music menu is still present in v1.0.4.
Airplay seems to be broken (?). It can't connect when I am using the skin. When I switch to confluence, all starts working again all of the sudden.
Found another bug, I think. When playing music inn full-screen and the last song in a playlist or album finishes, the skin does not exit full-screen view. It just hang at the screen attached below until I manually exit full-screen mode.

@solbero: Playlist shortcuts work fine for me... Could you supply a debug log please?
@solbero: Music fullscreen - thanks for that, will fix that up. That screen needs work in general I feel. Gonna experiment with some new ideas.

@BLAST3R: Can't imagine why this would be, and cannot test as I don't have an Airplay setup. Does it work in skins other than Confluence?
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism

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