Change Title?
The simple yet informative ui and art style makes Metropolis my skin of choice, but how does one go about a 'change title' operation ( in case a movie is mistaken for another with the same title and a manual change is needed )? Some skins have this integrated in the 'information' menu and I can't find this option anywhere in Metropolis. Is this not a feature or have I overlooked it somehow? Thanks in advance!
Use the context menu when the item in question is selected. It's 'C' if you're using a keyboard.
Thank you for your quick reply, but I'm still left seeking answers. I'm aware that I can change a movie title within the context menu, but meant how to go about changing the movie itself for a different one of the same title? Metadata and all. For example I have a 1972 copy of The Mechanic that was picked up as the 2011 movie of the same title. So is there a means of correcting this within Metropolis?
The best way to do it is to simply append the year to the movie filename, so name the file something like:

"The Mechanic (1972).mkv"

From within Kodi/Metropolis, if you select Refresh from the Video Info dialog it should give you a list of matches to choose from.

I personally change the filename though so if I ever have to rescrape my library I don't need to make all of those selections manually again.
Duh! For some reason refresh did not work before thus prompting my question. Naturally now that it's answered it works as it should - thanks! But I like your idea of appending file names with years to minimize corrections, much appreciated.

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