Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Turn Subtitles Off By Defaut? AFTV
Using Ace with AFTV with Gotham:
Subtitles are turned on automatically for every movie. I don't need subtitles for most English movies but they are there, so I have to turn them off myself. How can I turn off subtitles unless I turn them on myself?

Thanks for anyone who had the same issue and resolved it.
While you are playing a video, navigate to subtitles and turn off. Then go to the bottom setting and select to use that setting for all videos. This will disable all but forced subs.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
(2015-01-25, 04:49)wgstarks Wrote: While you are playing a video, navigate to subtitles and turn off. Then go to the bottom setting and select to use that setting for all videos. This will disable all but forced subs.

Thank you. I should have noticed that myself. I really like this skin on my Fire TV.

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Turn Subtitles Off By Defaut? AFTV0