public servers
Ok is there anyway to connect to the public servers in kai? Here is the problem I have kai running engine only on pc so I can connect via xbmc. I can choose private arena's with no problem but I cannot connect to public arena's unless the private server goes down the I get a list of public arena's. I would love to be able to see the public arena's right off. By the way the game is Halo 2. I can see the public arena's when I am using the UI on the pc, but that is a pain and defeats the purpose of kai/xbmc intergration. Thanks for the help in advance.
the Kai UI in XBMC is still a Work In Progress i'm afraid.
that is what I thought, I just decided to chance it and see. Thanks for the reply SleepyP
There has to be a good answer for this. I really hate to use my laptop when Kai is built right in to xbmc.
No matter what setup you want to use, you always have need the actual kai engine running on your pc that picks up the orbital servers. Its the GUI that you have the option to use either on your pc or xbmc on your xbox for Kai.
your PC or if you're lucky you can run it on your router...
Yea I got it running on my router just for a bit and it was to buggy so I just run the engine on my desktop. I play on the private servers via xbmc and public via my laptop as the UI. It is not exactly how I want to do it but I guess it is working.

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