Req Artist Info - biography
Hello guys,
For years I have used Aeon Nox having come from Transparency!
So far, I think these are the only two skins which have artist biography on screen when you are listening to music... a great pity because reading artist info while listening really gives software music listening part of what is missing when comparing listening to vinyl or a CD with the liner notes etc.

Please could you add a box, like the lyrics box you currently have, which could contain the artist biography.

Aeon Nox does a tiny, thin ticker tape at the bottom of the full screen music playing screen, and Transparency! does the extreme opposite, a very chunky full screen scrolling text.
Something in between would be great, perhaps scrolling, but elegant like your lyrics box.

I tried moving the artist biography, but it always showed up as 3 lines that scrolled at the same time. It's not noticeable on Aeon Nox because it is placed at the bottom of the screen. I ended up just commenting the artist bio out, will take another look and see if I can fix it.
(2015-04-11, 17:52)braz Wrote: I tried moving the artist biography, but it always showed up as 3 lines that scrolled at the same time. It's not noticeable on Aeon Nox because it is placed at the bottom of the screen. I ended up just commenting the artist bio out, will take another look and see if I can fix it.

Hi Braz,
Great, thanks...
For me Aeon Nox is too small and hard to read, and because it only displays one line, you can only see a limited amount of the biography at a time.

I changed the similar artists feed to an artist bio textbox. I never used the similar artists feed anyway, hopefully no one misses it.

This is now available in the git version of Mimic 2.x for Isengard.

(2015-04-11, 19:18)braz Wrote: This is now available in the git version of Mimic 2.x for Isengard.

Ah great, it looks elegant and clean... I've just installed Isengard on my laptop to see how this works, and it is GREAT.

This is unrelated to your skin, but I am getting a persistent "search error, no results" error overlay... must be an Isengard issue.
EDIT - this is a twitter issue, disabled twitter, no error message.

Thanks, keep up the good work,

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Artist Info - biography0