Zap buffer delay
Zapping between channels always takes >4s. Modified some network and pvr
settings in advancedsettings.xml without results. Can buffer/cache be
tuned outside of source?


Linux 3.14.14 #1 SMP Wed Apr 29 18:26:06 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux


<setting id="channeldatapath" value="/root/channeldata/" />
<setting id="checkchannels" value="false" />
<setting id="checkgroups" value="false" />
<setting id="host" value="" />
<setting id="iconpath" value="" />
<setting id="onegroup" value="" />
<setting id="onlinepicons" value="true" />
<setting id="onlycurrent" value="false" />
<setting id="onlyonegroup" value="false" />
<setting id="pass" value="" />
<setting id="recordingpath" value="" />
<setting id="setpowerstate" value="false" />
<setting id="streamport" value="8001" />
<setting id="timerlistcleanup" value="false" />
<setting id="updateint" value="2" />
<setting id="user" value="" />
<setting id="webport" value="80" />
<setting id="zap" value="true" />
(2015-05-03, 14:10)rexf Wrote: Can buffer/cache be
tuned outside of source?

unfortunately, zapping itself is relatively slow on enigma supporting hardware (something to do with the driver structure for the tuners).
I've had a couple of modern e2 boxes (gigablue, Vu+, Dream and Xtrend) and all were substantially slower at zapping than my old Nokia dBox2 with Neutrino, so the limitation of it is kind obvious.

that said, i've seen software that retrieves EPG and zaps/streams via the WebInterface (Blackbox on iOS in this case) zap quite faster than XBMC/Kodi ever did ... so _some_ improvment should definitely be possible ... hopefully you can find something about that, as I believe the Vu+ plugin for Kodi is close to "finished" if only it wasn't for the sort of static/slow EPG and zapping performance ...
Fractal Design Node 304 | Intel i3-3225 | Gigabyte H77N-WiFi | 4GB RAM | Intel HD 4000
Samsung UE55F6500 | Denon AVR-X2000 | Infinity Reference MKII 5.1 + Quadrapole
Kodi 17.1 Kryptonite | Arctic : Zephyr
Sharing your tuners with vtuner on the box together with tvheadend gives faster zapping.
As bonus you have working subtitles on channels with Teletext.
Intel Core i5 2320 8GB 500GB HDD - Tvheadend + Kodi, Raspberry Pi 3 - LibreELEC, HDHomeRun HDHR3-4DC, Epson TW3200, Pioneer VSX-1123
Dear Leatherface,

I would appreciate if you kindly elaborate on this. I have Vu+ Duo2 and Kodi Helix Openelec installed on NUC. At the moment I use Vu+/enigma add-on on Kodi. It is working OK. But I read on several forum posts that tvheadend works much better as backend server. But I have no idea how can I make Vu+ Duo2 and tvheadend working together? Where will vtuner and tvheadend server be installed? on Vu+? on Kodi? or on a separate box? And how?

Thanks in advance.
@refx: I think you used the incorrect buffer settings in the advanced.xml. Please check out this post:
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Zap buffer delay0