I will be honest...
I will be honest ... I setup an account just to say
I am in LOVE with this skin!

I would like to thank for the great effort and time spent on this awesome skin. For me it's simply the best skin around, so sleek, minimal and responsive, absolutely brilliant.

Please keep up the good work, with this skin everybody in my family is able to use the menu easily thanks to the great amount of customization and intuitive menus... the kids are able to navigate it easily too.

In other words, Thanks very much!

Thanks to Kodi too btw.
You hit the nail on the head right there. This is the biggest set back for kodi:
1. it's default gui is rubbish and massively outdated, kodi's in need of major face lift.
2. It's ease of usability or lack thereof.

Arctic Zephyr is a perfect example of how kodi should look and act out of the box.

I admit some things eg 'hubs' and 'menu customisation' are cumbersome and a little tricky to get your head around if you're a novice, but with a bit of work these scripts could be simplified for anyone to get their head around.

The vertical menu is just perfect!
Have you talked to the people responsible for those scripts (in the relevant threads - it's only pure luck if they see it here), to tell them in what ways they could do with being simplified...?

To keep the thread on topic, always admired jurialmunkey for the clean feel his skins bring to Kodi. With something as complex as Kodi - and especially when adding the extra layer of UI that is the hubs, that's no mean feat.

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