Kore depends on "com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.4.+", but that version of Gradle appears not to be available in the Maven central repository, and as a consequence, opening the Kore source project in Android Studio fails. Changing the dependency to "com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.+" resolves this issue. Is there any particular reason why this is not done in the main Kore repository?
2015-11-17, 19:05
Check this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32659...1-4-plugin
I don't understand why it didn't open, as maven isn't used in build.gradle - jcenter is.
Anyway, this is a recent change (1.4 was always beta) so yeah, it should change to 1.5 soon.
I don't understand why it didn't open, as maven isn't used in build.gradle - jcenter is.
Anyway, this is a recent change (1.4 was always beta) so yeah, it should change to 1.5 soon.