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Beta Music CDArt Downloader
Since I had some issues with the historical CDArt Manager, I decided to do my own simple CDArt downloader.

It's quite basic, it assumes albums are grouped into folders, and uses the musicbrainz ids to download CDArts from, so mp3 must be properly tagged with MusicBrainz Picard. cdart.png is downloaded into the album folder.
Note it doesn't redownload cdart.png if one already exists and it has no options.
Also note it takes quite a bit of time for large libraries due to remote fetching.

I don't plan to add more features, since I would like to keep it simple, though I will try to fix bugs where possible.

Please contribute back missing content to MusicBrainz and
Just download cdart? Or download others arts like fanarts e album covers?
Only CDart.
MusicBrainz and Mp3Tag can already tag mp3s with album covers and there are other add-ons for fanart. I just needed a viable solution for CDArt.
(2015-11-22, 11:15)mak77 Wrote: Since I had some issues with the historical CDArt Manager, I decided to do my own simple CDArt downloader.

It's quite basic, it assumes albums are grouped into folders, and uses the musicbrainz ids to download CDArts from, so mp3 must be properly tagged with MusicBrainz Picard. cdart.png is downloaded into the album folder.
Note it doesn't redownload cdart.png if one already exists and it has no options.
Also note it takes quite a bit of time for large libraries due to remote fetching.

I don't plan to add more features, since I would like to keep it simple, though I will try to fix bugs where possible.

Please contribute back missing content to MusicBrainz and

Hello and thanks for this work. For sure CDArt Manager doesn't work very well with Kodi 16 Isengard or Jarvis and this new way is another solution to have the CDArts. It must work with Artist SlideShow. Blush
Don`t install on Jarvis, beta 2
I didn't test Jarvis yet, may just be a problem in the xml declaration.
I'll take a loook and let you know.
(2015-11-27, 18:18)mak77 Wrote: I didn't test Jarvis yet, may just be a problem in the xml declaration.
I'll take a loook and let you know.

Tks soo much, to development and return.

Please test v1.0.1 and let me know if it installs properly now.
I tried installing from zip and got the following error: "Add-on does not have the correct structure"

Using the latest stable version of Openelec
(2015-11-28, 14:56)mak77 Wrote: Please test v1.0.1 and let me know if it installs properly now.

With this structure, don't work again.

Added 1.0.2, tried installing it in Jarvis and worked for me, if it doesn't work try installing after a Kodi restart.
Very good... But one question:

Why not make to download de logo.png too?
It's already possible for the skins to fetch the logo automatically using Skin Helper Service so it was redundant for me.
Plus the fact I'm only doing a single call to to get album info, and the answer does not include the artist logo, it only includes album data (cdart and coverart).
While it's not hard to download further artwork, I want to start with a simple but stable add-on before adding any new features.
Oh, now i´m understanding why. thanks for the quick answer!
Nice add-on.

I'd love the logo to be included as well, but understand why not. Nice little add-on Smile

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Music CDArt Downloader0