I know this is an old post, and it might not be relevant any longer, but this was just about the only thread I could find that adresses this issue, and I've found a solution, so I thought I'd share.
Unfortunately, hindumagic's solution did not work for me, it might work for others though.
Add these lines to your custom Chrome-script (most likely located in ".kodi/addons/plugin.program.chrome.launcher/", and might be browser.sh (default) or script.sh):
# Wait for google-chrome to be killed
# Return to home-screen after Chrome exits
curl -u username:password -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Input.Home", "id": "1"}' http://localhost:8080/jsonrpc
Replace "username" and "password" with your login to access your Kodi-client over HTTP.
NB: You have to enable "Allow remote control over HTTP" in Kodi's settings (Settings>System>Services>Webserver). It's the username and password specified here you have to put in your custom script.
You should add this
after this line (or similar line) (mine enables full-screen and fixes the no-audio-bug in chrome):
# Run Chrome
/usr/bin/google-chrome --window-size=1920,1080 --window-position=0,0 --chrome-frame --alsa-output-device=plughw:0,3 "$@"
I hope this solution helps someone out, as it has been a frustration of mine for a long time now.