2016-01-20, 10:37
I made a new Twitter Plugin
Its Between Work in Progress and Release (Its working,but get many updates Since New Tag aliases or TV Station Aliases hav to be put in the Plugin) until someone has an Idea how let The user put it in by themself
Twitter Account
You Have to Grant Aceess to the Plugin
What it do:
- Show your Timelime Tweets (ON TV or Everywhere)
- Show Tweeds for a Special Heshtag (ON TV or Everywhere)
- Shows Tweeds from the Tv programm you are looking at (Station and Name of the Show (if avaible)
You can Filter:
Delete Urls
Set Your Country
Blacklist some WOrds do dont want to show
Change Behavior:
- Grey Out Tweets (So its Better Readable)
- Change the Time how long a Tweet is shown (Could result in Tweet Jam when more tweets are comming in than can be shown. So mayby you watch the next show and still Tweets for the Last Show comming in)
Download via Repo:
To do:
Many Shows or Station dont match their Names. This Aliase have to be put it the Plugin. So when someone has somthing Let me Know
If Someone Has an Idea what would be good way to let the User put his alias in Let me Know
Or If you have an Idea whats missing , or Can be Done better.
Eplainaition how TV works
Who wants to know how he trys to find that tv show and tv station (In the moment German Stations and shows)
1. Channels:
1.name all to small letters
2. delete " hd" (z.b. "ARD HD")
3. delete " sd" (z.b. Anxi SD)
4. delete "." (z.b. Sat.1)
5. delete "_" z.b. zdf_neo
6. delete "-" z.b. n-tv
6 " delete "austria" z.b. n24 austria
7. delete " at" z.b. nickelodeon at
8. delete " ch"
9 . delete " a" (sama as " at" (always when an Space is befor the a
10 "prosieben" will be changed to pro7
10 delete all spaces
"erste" in the sender name will be set to ard
"wdr" in the sender name will be set to wdr (z.b. WDR HD Köln)
"mdr" will be set to mdr
"kabeleins" in the sender name will be set to kabel1
"rtlii" in the sender name will be set to rtl2
2. TV Shows:
1. All after - or : will be deleted
2- all to small Letter
3. delete spaces
4. ä is changed to ae
5. ö is changed to oe
6. ü is changed to ue
7. ?,' gets deleted
7. amp; gets to &
8. der,die,das wil be deleted
werwirdmillionaer ist set to wwm
deutschlandsuchtdensuperstar ist set to dsds
alleswaszaehlt ist set to awz
gutezeitenschlechtezeiten ist set to gzsz
ichbineinstar" ist set to ibes
germanysnexttopmodel" ist set to gntm
diesimpsons ist set to simpsons
markuslanz ist set to "markuslanz OR #lanz"
Added the possibility to show Tweets to Videos with the Title Name (Film Or Series). Works also in Plugin if the Name is Correct
Its Between Work in Progress and Release (Its working,but get many updates Since New Tag aliases or TV Station Aliases hav to be put in the Plugin) until someone has an Idea how let The user put it in by themself
Twitter Account
You Have to Grant Aceess to the Plugin
What it do:
- Show your Timelime Tweets (ON TV or Everywhere)
- Show Tweeds for a Special Heshtag (ON TV or Everywhere)
- Shows Tweeds from the Tv programm you are looking at (Station and Name of the Show (if avaible)
You can Filter:
Delete Urls
Set Your Country
Blacklist some WOrds do dont want to show
Change Behavior:
- Grey Out Tweets (So its Better Readable)
- Change the Time how long a Tweet is shown (Could result in Tweet Jam when more tweets are comming in than can be shown. So mayby you watch the next show and still Tweets for the Last Show comming in)
Download via Repo:
To do:
Many Shows or Station dont match their Names. This Aliase have to be put it the Plugin. So when someone has somthing Let me Know
If Someone Has an Idea what would be good way to let the User put his alias in Let me Know
Or If you have an Idea whats missing , or Can be Done better.
Eplainaition how TV works
Who wants to know how he trys to find that tv show and tv station (In the moment German Stations and shows)
1. Channels:
1.name all to small letters
2. delete " hd" (z.b. "ARD HD")
3. delete " sd" (z.b. Anxi SD)
4. delete "." (z.b. Sat.1)
5. delete "_" z.b. zdf_neo
6. delete "-" z.b. n-tv
6 " delete "austria" z.b. n24 austria
7. delete " at" z.b. nickelodeon at
8. delete " ch"
9 . delete " a" (sama as " at" (always when an Space is befor the a
10 "prosieben" will be changed to pro7
10 delete all spaces
"erste" in the sender name will be set to ard
"wdr" in the sender name will be set to wdr (z.b. WDR HD Köln)
"mdr" will be set to mdr
"kabeleins" in the sender name will be set to kabel1
"rtlii" in the sender name will be set to rtl2
2. TV Shows:
1. All after - or : will be deleted
2- all to small Letter
3. delete spaces
4. ä is changed to ae
5. ö is changed to oe
6. ü is changed to ue
7. ?,' gets deleted
7. amp; gets to &
8. der,die,das wil be deleted
werwirdmillionaer ist set to wwm
deutschlandsuchtdensuperstar ist set to dsds
alleswaszaehlt ist set to awz
gutezeitenschlechtezeiten ist set to gzsz
ichbineinstar" ist set to ibes
germanysnexttopmodel" ist set to gntm
diesimpsons ist set to simpsons
markuslanz ist set to "markuslanz OR #lanz"
Added the possibility to show Tweets to Videos with the Title Name (Film Or Series). Works also in Plugin if the Name is Correct