Guidelines for Reviews
I'm happy to stick reviews that are written in the following format. You can find the text to copy and paste at the bottom.

You can see a completed example here.

Ambilight Clone
Manufacturer: XX
LEDs (per strip): XX
LEDs (total): XX
Zones: Optional
Processor: XX
Model Name: XX
Replacement for: [State whether or not this is a replacement for an existing device. e.g. you have replaced a Lightpack with a custom build]
Custom build: Yes/No

Television Information
Manufacturer: XX
Diagonal Size (inches or CM): XX
Aspect Ratio (16:9 is the standard): XX

Try and describe how you found the hardware installation process. Was it simple, or did it take some time and adjustments?

Operating System: XX
Back-end software: XX
Software Link (URL): http://XX

Kodi Add-ons, Integration, and Performance
Add-on(s) used: XX
Link to Add-on:
Recommended Add-on Settings: XX [e.g. throttle=100]
Performance: [is the Ambilight clone responsive? Other comments are welcomed here, a detailed description would be helpful]

Order Details
Store: XX [you can put a link, please observe the forum rules
Cost (GBP, EUR, USD): XX
Delivery Information: XX [e.g. It took two weeks to arrive]

If you have a YouTube link or images, this would be an ideal place to put them.

Entirely optional.

Source to copy and paste for the above:

[size=large][b]Ambilight Clone[/b][/size]
[b]LEDs[/b] (per strip):
[b]LEDs[/b] (total):
[b]Model Name[/b]:
[b]Replacement for[/b]:
[b]Custom build[/b]:

[size=large][b]Television Information[/b][/size]
[b]Diagonal Size[/b] (inches or CM):
[b]Aspect Ratio[/b] (16:9 is the standard):


[b]Operating System[/b]:
[b]Back-end software[/b]:
[b]Software Link[/b] (URL):

[size=large][b]Kodi Add-ons, Integration, and Performance[/b][/size]
[b]Add-on(s) used[/b]:
[b]Link to Add-on[/b]:
[b]Recommended Add-on Settings[/b]:

[size=large][b]Order Details[/b][/size]
[b]Cost[/b] (GBP, EUR, USD):
[b]Delivery Information[/b]:


Please read the online manual (wiki) & FAQ (wiki) before posting.

Skins: Estuary | Xperience1080
Opinion: Never purchase HTC products

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