i am facing a problem while trying to search in kodi with arabic language while using kore as a remote V2.0.0 for android
when am writing something like that from kore
الكبير اوى
after hitting send it will backward like that
ي وا ريبكلا
here my problem in pic`s
1-searching with arabic language in youtube addon with kore as remote
A- mobile side
![Full sized picture Image](http://dc123.4shared.com/img/VpZCKaQUce/s7/152f9c02428/01-_A_Phone_Side)
B-PC Result
![Full sized picture Image](http://dc123.4shared.com/img/BrEzvl5Ace/s7/152f9c033c8/01-B_PC_Result)
i have the same problem in Yatse remote in text input dailog as kore
but when selecting virtual keyboard form upper right works verry well
2-searching with arabic language in youtube addon with Yatse as remote
A- mobile side
![Full sized picture Image](http://dc123.4shared.com/img/UdYXrq_Pce/s7/152f9c037b0/02-_A_phone_side)
B-PC Result
![Full sized picture Image](http://dc123.4shared.com/img/wtCq06Msba/s7/152f9c04750/02-B_PC_Result)
1- it works fine when searching using pc keyboaurd
i have already tried different pc and phone and different android version & different kodi version & different kore version
when am writing something like that from kore
الكبير اوى
after hitting send it will backward like that
ي وا ريبكلا
here my problem in pic`s
1-searching with arabic language in youtube addon with kore as remote
A- mobile side
B-PC Result
i have the same problem in Yatse remote in text input dailog as kore
but when selecting virtual keyboard form upper right works verry well
2-searching with arabic language in youtube addon with Yatse as remote
A- mobile side
B-PC Result
1- it works fine when searching using pc keyboaurd
i have already tried different pc and phone and different android version & different kodi version & different kore version