New User - Questions
Hello, I just came across your skin and have been very happy with it.I wanted a skin that had a vertical menu that was easily customizable this was it.

I'm running 16.1 RC1 and do have two question:

1) Is there a way to have the music control always show up?
2) I set the Vertical/Horizontal to Static, yet is still scrolls. Is that what the setting is support to do?
1) Good question.

I don't like the music player. The controls should be shown up (OSD) the same it is now for videos. The way to show it now is not intuitive (go to the sidebar when you are at the music menu (it doesn't work and you are in the home menu or any other menu). I find it terrible that I can't see directly all the music in my directory, since most of them is in a subdirectory. It should have a "Plex like" browsing.

1) Yes the music player is on my todo list for v17 Krypton, it may not be ready day 1 but you never know.

2) It should only scroll if there are too many items to fit on the screen at once.

What do you mean by Plex like browsing as I don't use Plex?

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New User - Questions2