OK I enabled the "more log info" option, does this look normal? I notice the json is truncated but maybe that's just for display, here's the log for when entering live TV:
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Date: 19 Mar 2016 04:46:06
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Server: Linux 3.19.8-100.fc20.x86_64, UPnP/1.0, MythTV 0.27.20141016-1
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Accept-Ranges: bytes
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age = 5000
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: ETag: "11ee02baac51435a4e136415f4b063e408d2831d"
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Connection: Close
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Type: application/json
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Length: 55119
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse:
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)Document: {"ChannelInfoList": {"StartIndex": "0", "Count": "100", "CurrentPage": "1", "TotalPages": "2", "TotalAvailable": "174", "AsOf": "2016-03-19T04:46:06Z", "Version": "0.27.20141016-1", "ProtoVer": "77", "ChannelInfos": [{"ChanId": "2052", "ChanNum": "6", "CallSign": "Me TV", "IconURL": "", "ChannelName": "Me TV", "MplexId": "52", "TransportId": "1857", "ServiceId": "10604", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "5", "ATSCMinorChan": "2", "Format": "ATSC", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "507000000", "FrequencyId": "71", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "true", "Visible": "true", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2252", "ChanNum": "26", "CallSign": "WFXT Mo", "IconURL": "wfxt25_boston.png", "ChannelName": "WFXT Mo", "MplexId": "53", "TransportId": "1858", "ServiceId": "10804", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "25", "ATSCMinorChan": "2", "Format": "ATSC", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "513000000", "FrequencyId": "72", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "true", "Visible": "true", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2621", "ChanNum": "62", "CallSign": "WMFP HD", "IconURL": "", "ChannelName": "CozyTV-D1", "MplexId": "108", "TransportId": "10937", "ServiceId": "11404", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "62", "ATSCMinorChan": "1", "Format": "ATSC", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "543000000", "FrequencyId": "77", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "true", "Visible": "true", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2662", "ChanNum": "67", "CallSign": "Bounce ", "IconURL": "", "ChannelName": "BounceTV 66.2 WUTF-DT", "MplexId": "50", "TransportId": "10509", "ServiceId": "13004", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "66", "ATSCMinorChan": "2", "Format": "ATSC", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "489000000", "FrequencyId": "68", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "true", "Visible": "false", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2663", "ChanNum": "69", "CallSign": "WUTF ge", "IconURL": "qubo.jpg", "ChannelName": "getTV 66.3 WUTF-DT", "MplexId": "56", "TransportId": "10511", "ServiceId": "12004", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "68", "ATSCMinorChan": "2", "Format": "ATSC", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "531000000", "FrequencyId": "75", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "true", "Visible": "true", "XMLTVID": "44651", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2731", "ChanNum": "63", "CallSign": "2731", "IconURL": "", "ChannelName": "", "MplexId": "78", "TransportId": "1680", "ServiceId": "101", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "0", "ATSCMinorChan": "0", "Format": "", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "459000000", "FrequencyId": "63", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "false", "Visible": "false", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2753", "ChanNum": "65-103", "CallSign": "2753", "IconURL": "", "ChannelName": "", "MplexId": "111", "TransportId": "10936", "ServiceId": "103", "NetworkId": "0", "ATSCMajorChan": "0", "ATSCMinorChan": "0", "Format": "", "Modulation": "qam_256", "Frequency": "471000000", "FrequencyId": "65", "FrequencyTable": "us-cable", "FineTune": "0", "SIStandard": "atsc", "ChanFilters": "", "SourceId": "2", "InputId": "0", "CommFree": "0", "UseEIT": "false", "Visible": "false", "XMLTVID": "", "DefaultAuth": "", "Programs": []},{"ChanId": "2754", "ChanNum": "65-104", "CallSign":
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelList1_2: content parsed
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelList1_2: received count(100)
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetChannelList1_2: request index(100) count(100)
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)__connectAddr: connected to socket(0x7f132c0eae68)
00:46:06 T:139719010662144 DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)SendRequest: GET /Channel/GetChannelInfoList?SourceID=%32&StartIndex=%31%30%30&Count=%31%30%30 HTTP/1.1