Android Unable to safe changes in the HOMEFURNITURE Section

I just discovered Metropolis for me, running it on a Android Box Himedia Q10 4k3D with Jarvis.

I really like this Skin due to its look and the various options for customisation!!

But stragely i discovered that i cannot safe any change in the HOMEFURNITURE Section. All other Options can be changed without any problems. E. G. i was able changed the Layout to horizontal orientation. But when i want to change the background pictures in the Homefurniture section a Skin Shortcut error message pops up that the change to the menue cannot be safed.

Ist this a bug or am i doing anything wrong??
I'd need to see your debug log. Please repeat the action that failed with debugging enabled and post it somewhere I can get at it.
Here comes the log. I tried to change the Bagckground for movies and Series, both could not be safed.

.....sssshhh.... I seen no way to attach a file to this postHuh

@Jingai: Strangely i cannot attach any file to this threat. And it seems i have no permission to send you a PM. Could you pls send me a PM or Mail how to best forward the log to you? Thank you very much in advanve!!
Sorry, have been busy. See here for how to upload the debug log.
Der log ist unter dem Titel "Unable to safe changes in " auf
Logs can't be searched for by title on that site. Please post a link directly to the URL of your log.
...ok, here we go:
Lots of scripts throwing up very similar errors ('No such file or directory') and all when trying to write to the userdata/addon_data folder. The ones that mean the changes to home furniture aren't saving are from the Skin Shortcuts scripts, for example:-

23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR:   File "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skinshortcuts/resources/lib/", line 537, in _save_shortcuts
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR:     self._save_shortcuts_function()
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR:   File "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skinshortcuts/resources/lib/", line 679, in _save_shortcuts_function
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR:     tree.write( path.replace( ".shortcuts", ".DATA.xml" ), encoding="UTF-8"  )
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/", line 658, in write
23:59:36 T:1384646144   ERROR: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml'

Basically, this means that your Kodi installation is broken. Most likely is that the userdata or addon_data folder doesn't exist (it's looking for it on an SD card - do you have the same one inserted as when Kodi was installed...?). Also possible is that the folder is write protected.

It's ultimately not a skin issue, so unless there are some Android guru's around here (which there may well be!) you might get more specific support in General Support / Android.
...ok. My addon_data Folder is on a NAS drive to allow synchroniosation with several Kodi Clients. The Mapping is defined in the advancedsettings.xml located in the userdata folder of the device.

Could that be the reason for the problem to safe the changes?? But then i wonder that changes OUTSIDE the Homefurniture section can be safed, e. g. changed the Layout to horizontal orientation.

Kind Regards
Yes, that will be the issue. The addon_data folder isn't designed to be shared in that way, and - as your log shows - numerous scripts don't support it.

The option to change layout isn't managed by a script, so won't show the same issue.
Thank you very much for your Feedback so far!!

Would it be possible to move this Thread into the General Support / Android Forum?

Kind Regards
Hello again,
if i want to replace specific backgroounds, would it then be an option to replace e. g. the movies.jpg manually? Strangely i do not find them on my Android box.

Where excactly is the location and the name of the background files? And do they need to have a specific format/size/resolution/color depth??

Kind Regards
You would need to unpack Textures.xbt, replace the image you want, then re-pack it.

But, why not just change the backgrounds using the interface in the skin?
Hi jingai!

You mean changing the background trough Settings/Appearance/Skin Settings/Homefurniture?

If that would work this Thread would not exist;-)

Or is there any other way to change the background (outside the homefurniture section)?

Kind Regards
You need to fix the issue that BobCratchett mentioned.

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Unable to safe changes in the HOMEFURNITURE Section0