2016-04-13, 00:49
I'm beginner with Kodi and Vbox.
I'm french. Sorry for my english...
I have bought V@Home TV Gateway XTi 334 173,94 €
I have installed the vbox.
I add a 16 Go USB key ( MBR+FAT 32) for recording.
Vbox version is 2.52. There is not update available.
In KODI / SYSTEM / System Info / PVR Service : the Vbox and the key is present
I have installed Kodi 16 on xUbuntu 14.04 LTS using :
I have configured "Settings PVR TV Gateway PVR Client"
( Add-on Sam Stenvall V 2.1.9 )
Connection internal : hostname = vbox (its the name given par orange livebox)
Kodi+VBox seems ok :
I can view TV
I can time shift
I can instant record.
BUT, if I want ADD A TIMER, I have :
An unexpected error occured. Try again later or check the log for more information"
And at the end of log, I get :
I try "Add Timer" with different parameters, but never success...
Can somebody confirms having the same versions than me, and confirm if this play or not.
Thanks for your help...
I'm beginner with Kodi and Vbox.
I'm french. Sorry for my english...
I have bought V@Home TV Gateway XTi 334 173,94 €
I have installed the vbox.
I add a 16 Go USB key ( MBR+FAT 32) for recording.
Vbox version is 2.52. There is not update available.
In KODI / SYSTEM / System Info / PVR Service : the Vbox and the key is present
I have installed Kodi 16 on xUbuntu 14.04 LTS using :
Quote:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi
sudo apt-get install kodi-pvr-vbox
I have configured "Settings PVR TV Gateway PVR Client"
( Add-on Sam Stenvall V 2.1.9 )
Connection internal : hostname = vbox (its the name given par orange livebox)
Kodi+VBox seems ok :
I can view TV
I can time shift
I can instant record.
BUT, if I want ADD A TIMER, I have :
An unexpected error occured. Try again later or check the log for more information"
And at the end of log, I get :
Quote:cat .kodi/temp/kodi.log
23:07:48 T:140598825646080 ERROR: PVR - AddTimer - addon 'VBox XTI 3342:vbox:80' returned an error: invalid parameters for this method
23:07:48 T:140598825646080 ERROR: PVR - AddTimer - cannot add timer to client '1536': invalid parameters for this method
I try "Add Timer" with different parameters, but never success...
Can somebody confirms having the same versions than me, and confirm if this play or not.
Thanks for your help...