Kodi ignores first remote keypress

I am using a wetek box with logitech harmony remote and flirc. I have set up a music library for playing music. Everything works perfectly, except that Kodi ignores first keypress of the remote, which is realllllly annoying. The keypress is ignored in 2 cases:

- when kodi is in screensaver mode. First keypress doesn't do anything, except that it disables the screensaver.
- when I am listening to music in full screen mode. When switched to full screen, kodi shows osd controls for a few seconds, and then the screen goes black. Whenever kodi is in black screen mode, first keypress is also ignored the same way as in screensaver mode.

Why this is annoying: Say I am listening to the music from another room and I want to skip to next track. I have no idea whether screensaver / black screen is on or off. I need to press the "next" key twice to get to the next track. Basically, I need to press any button twice in order for the button function to work.

I have disabled the screensaver in the settings, but kodi still goes to black screen during music playback.

Is there any setting that I can change to make sure that Kodi always responds to first keypress of the remote?

Weird, something must have gotten re-broken. It should not require that first "wake up" press when music is playing. At least, it was like that in the past.

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Kodi ignores first remote keypress0