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Adjust display rate disable for Live TV
I have an interesting question. Is there a way to disable the adjust display rate to match video source for live tv viewing only, but leave it on during all other video playback? Here is why I am asking. When channel browsing, the my display does a lot of blanking and adjusting back and forth when I switch between the guide and the video. This creates problems for me. Either the video glitches out, the display stays black, etc... The feature is fantastic and I want to use it for other video playback when the display isn't having to constantly flip back and forth between different refresh rates. For now, I have to leave it off unfortunately...

Additionally, I know ideally you have adjust display and video both enabled. Given the circumstances, should I leave adjust video enabled still? Will it have much impact?
Have you tried setting the adjust display rate to only on start/stop? Unless the broadcasters are broadcasting different frame rates that should fix it.
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Why don't you set the default refresh rate to the only required by liveTV. My box for example starts with 50Hz that is fine for live TV in my region.
That is a good suggestion and thank you. Unfortunately, the box is also used as a console amongst other things, so that won't work. I had the same thought about on start and stop, but switching channels triggers a stop and start so that isn't working either.
switching channels should not trigger stop and start what pvr addon are you using?
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(2016-07-23, 22:07)wex101 Wrote: That is a good suggestion and thank you. Unfortunately, the box is also used as a console amongst other things, so that won't work.

Why? You can change refresh rate before starting Kodi and change it back after Kodi has terminated.
I'm using Npvr.

And that's a idea, I never thought about that. That's not doable anywhere in the kodi options is it? I'm guessing I'll need to configure it in Nvidias software.

For anyone curious, I found a command line software titled display changer 2, and create a shortcut for Kodi that switches the refresh rate when Kodi launches then switches back when Kodi closes. Hopefully there wasn't an easier way to do this!
Glad you found a solution. Enjoy Kodi.
Just for completeness - on most desktop operating systems you should be able to configure the refreshrate for kodi in settings->system->video - the result would be the same then (kodi switches to this refreshrate on startup and restores the old one on shutdown). But never change a working solution Wink
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I hope it's okay to bump this.

I am having this exact issue with 18.1 on a Shield TV: Live TV will start playing back and freeze a couple seconds in, but - as opposed to OP - 4 out of 5 times it'll stay frozen.
Kodi isn't unresponsive as it's still possible to stop the "stream", but at this point nothing will play (not even local media) - same issue. When it does work, the screen goes black for a moment after which playback resumes as expected.

Switching to the broadcaster's frame rate isnt an option, since channels appear to be broadcasting at different frame rates. However, even after setting the display to 50Hz and playing a channel Kodi registers as 50 FPS, it'll still try, and most of the time fail, to switch the display frame rate. With this in mind, am I misunderstanding something or configuring something incorrectly?

Adjusting the display refresh rate 'at start/stop' or 'always' does not make a difference. Turning it off resolves the issue.

Even if the setting worked as expected, changing the display refresh rate every time I do a channel switch is quite annoying. Is there a way to disable this for live TV?

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Adjust display rate disable for Live TV0