Kodi remote connection timeout

I am getting connection timeout on kodi remote all the time, i think it started after IOS 10 update. I tried everything, removed kodi completely, removed app completely, removed all related kodi programs and reinstalled them...nothing changed. My iPad iOS 9.3.5 works perfectly fine all the time. So i am only assuming IOS 10 issue. I can connect http://myIP:8080 but not my iphone, and it goes back online whenever it wants. I have no clue what is going on.

Any suggestions?
Am I the only one having this problem?
I didn't understand if you can connect to http://myIP:8080 via the iphone safari browser.. anyway no issue here with iOS10 and current app version. Try to delete the wireless access point from the iphone and then create again the wifi access, it's the only test that comes to my mind
i did remove wifi from phone, connected again. it worked. but again after 1 or two hours i lost connection and never connected again. I did complete network reset on iphone and mac (where i have the Kodi) and it was working whole day then again i lost connection on phone and never worked again. I dont know why this is happening? from phone safari i cannot access IP:8080 but from mac it works always fine. iPad with iOS 9.3.5 does not have a problem. I turned of router firewall, nothing changed...
Ok I finally figured it out, recently i changed my cable modem router. It has dual band 5 ghz and 2.4 wifi signal and they both work under the same SSID. Some devices such as my iPhone supports both bands and switches between bands without my knowledge (it was very hard to figure this out) so luckily i found out about that and locked my phone to same band as my Mac. I am glad there was MAC address assignment in the router settings with band selection. So from now on both Kodi installed Mac and iphone wil be under the same band wifi, which solves my connection lost to the remote server problem. Hope this helps to the community in case somebody comes across to this problem.
Glad to know and thank you for writing up your solution!
I'm having similar issues with Kodi remote.
It used to work for years...but not anymore.
On my MBP(OS-X) I can connect to Kodi without a problem, using Safari as well as Chrome.
On my iPhone I get connection time-outs with kodi remote and no connection with Safari as well as Chrome.
Add host will give the right info instantly...but no connection...
I changed the name of Kodi on my HTPC (Win10) and that new name shows up when I try to add a new host in Kodi remote on the iPhone....but no connection.
The right MAC address shows up for the Kodi server (on the HTPC) but no connection....

I'm lost!

BTW: both MBP and iPhone running latest iOS and OS-X
(2016-10-25, 18:10)fate83 Wrote: Ok I finally figured it out, recently i changed my cable modem router. It has dual band 5 ghz and 2.4 wifi signal and they both work under the same SSID. Some devices such as my iPhone supports both bands and switches between bands without my knowledge (it was very hard to figure this out) so luckily i found out about that and locked my phone to same band as my Mac. I am glad there was MAC address assignment in the router settings with band selection. So from now on both Kodi installed Mac and iphone wil be under the same band wifi, which solves my connection lost to the remote server problem. Hope this helps to the community in case somebody comes across to this problem.
(2016-10-25, 18:10)fate83 Wrote: Ok I finally figured it out, recently i changed my cable modem router. It has dual band 5 ghz and 2.4 wifi signal and they both work under the same SSID. Some devices such as my iPhone supports both bands and switches between bands without my knowledge (it was very hard to figure this out) so luckily i found out about that and locked my phone to same band as my Mac. I am glad there was MAC address assignment in the router settings with band selection. So from now on both Kodi installed Mac and iphone wil be under the same band wifi, which solves my connection lost to the remote server problem. Hope this helps to the community in case somebody comes across to this problem.

^^thank you so much!!
I have the same problem, is your kodi using wifi or a cable connection?
I use a cable connection.
all on wifi, for me it was having different frequency of wifi on mac (where kodi is) and phone. Phone was changing from 5 ghz to 2.4 ghz as it pleases. So i had to manually assign the phone in the modem to stay only on 5ghz which is my mac is on all the time. it is really something to do with the modem/router. Maybe connection time out can be bit longer to solve this issue, but i dont know. It was annoying for a long time.
Ok I am not by no means computer smart , but I have misplaced my kodi remote and have no idea how to work it with out the remote . I can't get it on or nothing please help!!!!
What do you mean you have misplaced the Kodi Remote.? Do you mean you have lost your iphone and ipad? Or do you mean that you have lost your traditional remote control and want to install the Kodi iOS app?
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i set the config to use 8080 for the port and got my ip address right i was doing EX: http://192.829.0.4:8080 and that world say ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT in microsoft edge on my browser on Xbox One X then i used the 3074 Port number and it would still do ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT again then i disabled the usermane and password stop and it would still throw up the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT message then i disabeld the proksy server and that still sayed ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT once again if anyone knows how to fix the error you can message me on Instagram on StampyMany or you can reply to this Reply

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