2016-12-06, 21:30
IMPORTANT: This thread is for Kodi Krypton (v17) only. Please do not post bug reports if you are using a version of Kodi that is not Krypton.
Pellucid is a light, clean and carefully designed Kodi skin that is focussed on family living room setups.
It has a low memory footprint and performs very well on low power devices such as the Raspberry Pi 3.
- Full PVR support.
- Menu customisation using the "Skin Shortcuts" addon.
- Movie showcase: Unique to Pellucid, the movie information screen makes maximum use of any extra fanart sourced via the artwork downloader addon.
- Artist slideshow support.
- Support for the Rom Collection Browser addon.
Pellucid is available through the official Kodi repository.
Github for latest code: https://github.com/chrisbevan/skin.pellucid
watch gallery
Pellucid is a light, clean and carefully designed Kodi skin that is focussed on family living room setups.
It has a low memory footprint and performs very well on low power devices such as the Raspberry Pi 3.
- Full PVR support.
- Menu customisation using the "Skin Shortcuts" addon.
- Movie showcase: Unique to Pellucid, the movie information screen makes maximum use of any extra fanart sourced via the artwork downloader addon.
- Artist slideshow support.
- Support for the Rom Collection Browser addon.
Pellucid is available through the official Kodi repository.
Github for latest code: https://github.com/chrisbevan/skin.pellucid