Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Removing parent directory
Hi -

Nice simple skin. One question - is there a way to remove the parent directory in the skin? For my folks, they inevitably keep clicking back and back until they reach the video addons and end up corrupting the files..dont ask me how lol. But is there a way to remove that ability to go back by clicking the dots at the top of a list for example. Would REALLY like to be able to take that ability out.


If you're running Kodi v17 (Krypton) and the Arctic: Zephyr skin, there's a bug that prevents you from accessing the "Library" section in Settings. That's where you need to go to find what you're looking for.
Check out this post if you want to fix that bug:

This might be a faster and easier way to fix your issue:

Switch to the Estuary skin and go to "Settings -> Media Settings -> General" and toggle off "Show Parent Folder Item".
After you've done this you can switch back to Arctic: Zephyr.

Hope this helps Smile
thanks. that did help very much. hopefully that bug can still be fixed however. but thanks again...switching between the two worked very nicely.

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