v17 can I set a different delay for stereo vs surround
I'm running LibreElec v7.95.3, which is based on Kodi Krypton 17.0 final. I've enabled Audio DSP and the Freesurround plugin, and it sounds great! There's about a 400ms delay introduced by Audio DSP + Freesurround, which I can compensate for by adjusting the audio delay while a video is playing, under Settings -> Audio and subtitle settings -> Audio DSP... -> Speaker / Output setup... -> Audio offset. But there are some points of friction:

* I have to set the audio offset every time I play the same video, it doesn't persist.
* Audio DSP settings -> Set as default for all media doesn't save the audio offset, even though the audio offset has moved under that menu.
* Audio and subtitle setting -> Set as default for all media DOES save the audio offset. BUT, Dolby Digital and other surround sources don't use Freesurround (which is good), but since they don't, they don't need the 400ms delay.

So, I'm stuck with either adjusting the audio offset on every stereo video (every time I play it) if I don't set a default audio offset, or I'm stuck with adjusting the audio offset on every surround video, if I DO set a default audio offset of 400ms. Or, I can turn off Audio DSP + Freesurround and there's no hassle, but I miss out on the awesome sounding stereo -> surround processing. Decisions. Wink

Does anyone know of a way to set a default audio offset for certain videos and not others? Is there a way to set an offset for stereo videos separately from surround videos? I imagine not, but figure its worth asking, just in case.
First time I heard of that AudioDSP creates an audio offset while playing multichannel content. It might be a bug. Sorry so far I know there is currently no solution to set different delays for stereo and multichannel. Might be a use case for an new add-on.
But currently I try to rewrite core parts of AudioDSP.
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Got it, thanks for the reply!
Just to add that I've noticed the exact same problem/issue with OpenElec + AudioDSP/FreeSurround (and yet to find a solution/workaround).

Currently running OpenElec 8.0 (although the problem pre-dates that release) on an Intel i3

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can I set a different delay for stereo vs surround0