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Help with MySQL running on my FreeNAS server
I would like to know how I can delete some TV Shows that are showing in the database. I have deleted them from Sickrage but when running Kodi I believe still thinks there since it trying to scrape for them.

Is there way to delete them easy or maybe just reset the database?
There is a setting: Settings/media/General/Allow file renaming and deletion.
Enable it and you can delete TV shows (and other media files) via the context menu.
(2017-07-20, 18:22)Klojum Wrote: There is a setting: Settings/media/General/Allow file renaming and deletion.
Enable it and you can delete TV shows (and other media files) via the context menu.

Not seeing show when in TV Shows view. Since no shows there. Folder is gone from network drive. Not at computer right now but would this still work?
If the folder's gone running 'clean library' should be all you need to do.
(2017-07-20, 18:34)trogggy Wrote: If the folder's gone running 'clean library' should be all you need to do.

It does from the TV Show list but looks like still is MySQL database.
(2017-07-20, 18:35)rmilyard Wrote:
(2017-07-20, 18:34)trogggy Wrote: If the folder's gone running 'clean library' should be all you need to do.

It does from the TV Show list but looks like still is MySQL database.
As I understand it that's how it works (or doesn't). The database will contain all sorts of old content, it doesn't get deleted so the database grows over time.
Is there a problem apparent in the log?

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Help with MySQL running on my FreeNAS server0