2017-09-14, 22:07
I'm using Kodi boblight on a Kodibuntu system. When I start Kodi, the Kodi boblight add-on says "connected to boblightd", the adalight runs through red, green, and blue and nothing else happens. When I enter "boblightd" on Lubuntu shell, same behavior. The content of boblightd.log looks like this:
Any ideas highly appreciated, I'm stuck...
I'm using Kodi boblight on a Kodibuntu system. When I start Kodi, the Kodi boblight add-on says "connected to boblightd", the adalight runs through red, green, and blue and nothing else happens. When I enter "boblightd" on Lubuntu shell, same behavior. The content of boblightd.log looks like this:
21:56:41.714563 (InitLog) start of log /home/sirthid/.boblight/boblightd.log
21:56:41.715043 (PrintFlags) starting boblightd
21:56:41.715228 (CConfig::LoadConfigFromFile) opening /etc/boblight.conf
21:56:41.718420 (CConfig::CheckConfig) checking config lines
21:56:41.722881 (CConfig::CheckConfig) config lines valid
21:56:41.723032 (CConfig::BuildConfig) building config
21:56:41.729878 (CConfig::BuildConfig) built config successfully
21:56:41.730075 (main) starting devices
21:56:41.730373 (CClientsHandler::Process) opening listening socket on
21:56:41.731144 (CClientsHandler::Process) ERROR: bind() Address already in use
21:56:41.731637 (CDevice::Process) device1: starting with output "/dev/ttyACM0"
21:56:41.731805 (CDevice::Process) device1: setting up
21:56:42.743241 (CDevice::Process) device1: setup succeeded
21:56:48.716664 (SignalHandler) caught SIGINT
21:56:48.716858 (main) signaling devices to stop
21:56:48.716924 (CClientsHandler::Cleanup) disconnecting clients
21:56:48.716968 (CClientsHandler::Cleanup) closing listening socket
21:56:48.717011 (CClientsHandler::Cleanup) clients handler stopped
21:56:48.717054 (main) waiting for devices to stop
21:56:48.748166 (CDevice::Process) device1: closed
21:56:48.748289 (CDevice::Process) device1: stopped
21:56:48.748455 (main) exiting