v17 Older HDHomerun HDHR-T1-US How do I get to where I can watch Live TV from it?
I've had an HDHR-T1-US on the local network for years.
It's always worked perfectly with Windows Media center and HDHomerun software and with VNC.

How can I get Kodi to work with it?  
How do I troubleshoot/test and what can I do next?  

I realize it won't record and/or work as a DVR. just want to see the live TV stream that comes from the HDHomerun.  

Testing on Windows 10 (1703)  fully up to date, Firewall off.

Works fine with HDHomerun setup & testing.
Works fine with Windows 10 app.
Works fine with VNC.  
HDHomerun has latest firmware: (20170930) and has been power cycled/restarted

In Kodi tried the HDHomerun app: does not work just says "Failed to play channel. Maybe all tuners are in use?"
Also tried uninstalling the HDHomerun add-on and only using the built in native "HDHomerun PVR Client"
In this configuration I get no indication that the HDHomerun device is present; it does not magically show up in TV section.  
The PVR client Configuration page has very little to configure and the "RUN" icon with the rocket is grayed out.  
I tried disabling restarting enabling and restarting with no change in results.  
I don't know what to try next.  

In my searching I find that many posts on the web suggest that my older device  HDHR-T1-US works fine with the built in HDHomerun PVR client
but may not work with the HDHomerun Add-On as well as not be able to record.  

Kodi Version 17.5 Git:20171023-5bd45ab

PVR Service Version .1
Channels: 0
HDHR T1 and Dual are no longer supported by current Kodi versions.

You can possibly find XBMC 10-11 which supported it through a special protocol hdhomerun://
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Thanks for the reply.
I'm not sure what "no longer supported" means exactly.
Does it mean flat out will not work? functionality was deliberately removed from Kodi when it used to work in the past?
Or does it mean maybe it works and you're on your own?
Thanks for the clarification.
Most all new software for HDHR tuners use the HTTP/REST API that SD is currently developing. Older software used the binary libhdhomerun to connect to the tuners. The oldest device that supports the "new" API is the Prime (HDHR3-CC), which is the only 3rd generation device to do so. All newer models (gen. 4 and 5) also support this "new" API, which is what the addons all use now.

Most standalone PVR software (MythTV, WMC, Tvheadend, etc.) still use the older binary library, which still support the older models. If you want to use an older tuner, you need to use software other than SiliconDust's, as they no longer support older hardware.
"If you want to use an older tuner, you need to use software other than SiliconDust's, as they no longer support older hardware."  
Thanks for the help.

I'm still confused here. I am using Silicon Dust's latest software on Windows 10 and it is working fine.
Can you clarify further what's going on?  

Seems to still be plenty supported by Silicon Dust and their latest software (HDHomerun). setup and the Windows app.  

I still am not perfectly clear why it is not working with Kodi or why Kodi can't use the older protocol/system if it actually works just fine.
Short answer is the current addons dont support the discovery of the older devices. I believe Matthew Lundberg was starting to venture down that path to support the older devices in his fork, but not sure where he got to. I had some notes put aside somewhere that i made when i was looking into some other features for the pvr.hdhomerun addon, but im not sure where they have gone.

In theory its possible to put it into a kodi addon, you just need a dev who could be bothered to do it. I dont have access to an old device, so i cant develop for it.
Ok maybe I'm starting to understand..
Did Kodi NEVER work with the older devices or did older versions of Kodi *used* to work with it at one time?
And why not? just not enough demand or people that are using the older ones?
I'm more curious than anything.
I'd like to see it work but it's not a big deal if it doesn't I have plenty of other software that works great with them.
Old or not they are really cool and rock solid performers.
And again thanks for replying I appreciate it.
No idea about the history of kodi addons for the HD Homerun. SiliconDust changed their api and functionality a while ago as rpcameron was alluding to. As far as im aware the current binary addon for pvr.hdhomerun didnt support the old devices.

The quick fix to using an older SD device it probably to use mythtv or one of the other backends.
Thanks for your time and responding.
Just trying to get my head around why they don't work just not enough demand or devices out there for the effort to make it work?
Yes, my fix for several years has just been to use other software that works with it.
And from my searches and reading I was never 100% sure that it couldn't work or if there was a way or not to make it work.
I finally signed up here just to ask.

I get it they changed the api from the old api to some new api.

But I still don't have a clear answer as to why the old api can't or is not also supported in Kodi..
Its it due to lack of demand for it? everybody has the newer stuff? etc.

(2017-11-01, 18:54)n8lbv Wrote: Thanks for your time and responding.
Just trying to get my head around why they don't work just not enough demand or devices out there for the effort to make it work?
Yes, my fix for several years has just been to use other software that works with it.
And from my searches and reading I was never 100% sure that it couldn't work or if there was a way or not to make it work.  
I finally signed up here just to ask.  

I get it they changed the api from the old api to some new api.  

But I still don't have a clear answer as to why the old api can't or is not also supported in Kodi..
Its it due to lack of demand for it? everybody has the newer stuff? etc.  

The old/original API is not used in the Kodi addons because the developers who create the addons have chosen to no longer use it. (Also, the "old" API is a binary library, meaning it must be separately compiled for each platform/processor. This means that there needs to be a different addon for every platform, like PVR clients. The "official" video addon is written in Python, which is interpreted not compiled, and therefore is only a single code base to maintain.)

Short answer: this has nothing to do with SiliconDust, but the people that write the software you use have chosen to use the newer API and no longer support your device.
Ok got ya.
Apparently too much work for the outcome or next to zero demand for it to put the work in would be a reason they may have decided not to have it included.
I'm drawing my own conclusions as to why they may have chosen not to support the older along with the newer.

It would be cool to ditch WMC and use kodi on these older tuners.
I have a bunch of them still out there with friends & family.
The pain is not great enough to buy new tuners yet.
The old ones are working great and we all just switch software to see them and use WMC to record off the air.

I waited 5 years to ask about this.
I'm about to work on support for this. I did some proof-of-concept work, and have had Kodi decode a stream from a legacy device. It's not yet integrated into my version of the PVR, but it will be soon.

I'm reading the stream directly rather than passing a URL back to Kodi, which makes this a lot easier. Perhaps the mainline PVR will do this eventually. Besides the potential for legacy tuners, it also eliminates a race condition in the multiple tuner support, due to the delay between determining if a tuner is free and passing its URL back to Kodi.
(2017-11-12, 08:15)MatthewLundberg Wrote: I'm about to work on support for this. I did some proof-of-concept work, and have had Kodi decode a stream from a legacy device. It's not yet integrated into my version of the PVR, but it will be soon.

I'm reading the stream directly rather than passing a URL back to Kodi, which makes this a lot easier. Perhaps the mainline PVR will do this eventually. Besides the potential for legacy tuners, it also eliminates a race condition in the multiple tuner support, due to the delay between determining if a tuner is free and passing its URL back to Kodi.
 Hi Matt!

I registered just to give this a +1 as like many I'm guessing, we have literally a whole house full of varying versions of single and dual HDHomeRun tuners that were connected to WMC's for years and still work flawlessly yet have been horribly disappointing to try to join this new world of Kodi/pi HTPC's and feeling like we've stepped BACKWARDS a decade and now these tuners aren't supported.  So I had to say it's AWESOME that you would take the time and effort to find ANY way to allow us to make use of them.

I know for us, this actually IS enough of an instant show-stopper to keep us on ancient PC hardware and Win7-WMC setups, because we can't really go from being successful "cord cutters" all the way to "service cutters", LOL!  Kind of need our TV's to play the OTA TV! Smile

It's kind of sad that in 2011 I set up the simple unlock hack to run 8 tuners on a old core2duo Win7-WMC that to this day sits and records 6 HD shows in parallel that other old PC boxes in the house then add to their own WMC LiveTV libraries and it was really not that hard and has never failed (but now the hardware IS starting to fail hence my desire to move to pi's) so I figured this many years later I'd at the very least be able to take a pi, set it up to use 4-8 HDHomerun tuners to take over the PVR functions, and then set up satellite pi's with OSMC/Kodi to simply play that recorded library.  Will your plugin in the end allow that type of setup?  Is there anything else today that does using the HDHomerun v1/2/3us OTA tuner boxes?


I run ServerWMC on my windows box which allows me to use my older HD home run over the network with Kodi on my pi and windows machines
Still using Win 7 computers with extenders and original HDhomerun tuners for the ultimate OTA experience.  Kodi looks interesting but also still not able to get these sweet vintage HDhomerun turners working with Kodi on our newer Win 10 boxes.  Hoping Mathew and any other experts can get her cranking !!!!!

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Older HDHomerun HDHR-T1-US How do I get to where I can watch Live TV from it?1