Windows UWP Support?
With Kodi's addition of Windows UWP support, and the recent announcement for Xbox One support from v18 onwards, I have to ask: is RetroPlayer expected to work on the Xbox One?
I didn't think Microsoft was allowing emulators in the Xbox store, but being that emulators in this case are add-ons, Kodi might not be affected.
(2018-01-01, 20:05)mwaterbu Wrote: With Kodi's addition of Windows UWP support, and the recent announcement for Xbox One support from v18 onwards, I have to ask: is RetroPlayer expected to work on the Xbox One?
I didn't think Microsoft was allowing emulators in the Xbox store, but being that emulators in this case are add-ons, Kodi might not be affected.
We'll have to wait and see Wink
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