Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Does Movie and CD Lookup Work Yet
Let me say first off that I have been trying to get xbmc working on my laptop for quite awhile using linux with no success. So yesterday I tried the windows build using the 10 steps(Great by the way) and got it running on not only my laptop but my htpc and desktop pc! Its so nice to now have HD content playing on the 51inch!!
Anyways playing with the software I could get the movie database to work? Is this a feature that is still being developed? If anyone has a list of current supported features that would be great....
Once again my hat goes off to all the developers for their great work on this projectCool
Figured it out LOL RTFM
can you share how ?
After you add a video source and enter a name for the media source, then you set content. Change the directory contains Movies for this example but could be whatever you would like it to be. Then select which website you want to use, IMDB for me. Next chec run folder scans and other options you wan. Check ok then you are done.

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Does Movie and CD Lookup Work Yet0