Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2017
Having issues activating submenu on tablet with this skin. Any Help would be appreciated. Also if there is a way I can edit the skin so on the home menu if I hover over the tabs on the main menu it activates the submenu without having to press the down arrow would love to know how to make this work. Thanks.
Posts: 662
Joined: Aug 2015
The Eminence Mod contains some features meant for the mouse, but people have had success using it with touch devices as well. You can try that and see if it works.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2017
I downloaded the Mod and see how to use the mouse and touch screen to gain access to the submenu. However, is there a code or something I can edit in the xml files that will allow the submenu to display when you have either selected the main menu tile or just hover over it? This would make the skin GREAT for tablets and touch screen devices. This is the best skin for box users in my opinion. I would really like to see it made a little more user friendly for tablets and phones. Thanks.
Posts: 662
Joined: Aug 2015
Sorry for the late response. The way the skin is configured makes this problematic. I've tried it before and with the current layout, the common effect simply screws up navigation for mouse users. Best case scenario, I can try and add some sort of special tablet menu if I can, but I'll need some tablet testers.
Also, there's a vertical main menu in the works, which should be updated soon, that has a separate vertical submenu which ought to work with a touch device. Keep an eye on the Eminence Mod main thread.