Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi not importing EPG Data
I've just added some new channels and changed EPG sources, and thought I would do a complete refresh of Kodi data by clearing data in settings - TV.

However it's now not loading EPG data from the server. It has all the channels listed correctly but an empty EPG.

The native DVB client is correctly listing all EPG data for all channels, so this is a Kodi add-on issue, not a DVB Link issue?

Any ideas? Tried deleting both all PVR data and EPG data, and disabling and enabling the DVBLink add-on, but still nothing showing.

When I clear data it's not even trying to load the shows as far as I can see
Seems it was an issue with tv29.db

I closed Kodi, deleted that and it's worked again.

However then it crashed again, and since then I hate exit Kodi without it crashing

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Kodi not importing EPG Data0