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Bug Movie series description overlays movie titles
I am using KODI 17.6 on Libreelec 8.2.3 and Amber 3.0.8 skin and lately i have problem with movie series description - it overlays movie titles.
Movie series added to library few weeks ago looks ok


but recently added have description that overlays movie list


Any solution how to disable movie series description?
I am also getting the same thing and was waiting for a fix... I have been waiting for quite a while...
That is called "Set overview" and won't come up for previously scraped sets. If you refresh the information then it might happen.

We faced the same issue on Estuary and if I'm not wrong, that's how we fixed it:

Matching thread for Estuary:
I experienced this too with Amber.
I have a fix that does take some work.  But it does work and without any mods to Amber.
This is happening in Movie Sets.  Just click on the set, then one movie at a time change to a new set.  Once the last movie has been changed to the new set, you will see the old set gone and the new set there properly displaying everything.
Then, you can rename the set to what it was originally, or anything you want.
Worked for me.  I would have rather not needed to do it, but couldn't stand looking at that overwritten screen every time I was looking at movies and that was the only thing I could  figure out on my own.
@Villemann , @ReplayHarry , @jpc0480  , I have fixed this in Amber for Leia, which is still in alpha stage, but quite useable.  See here:

I used the same fix as Estuary.  if a movie set (collection) has an overview, the overview is shown.  if not, then the movies in the set are shown.



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Movie series description overlays movie titles0