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Both v17 and v18 only show the next 3 or 4 hours in the EPG. I setup a different PVR plugin (MCE) and that shows the full guide without any issues. HdHomerun PVR software shows the full EPG as well. Any ideas on what I could check?
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longer epg only comes with the dvr subscription. Do you have that?
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Yeah, not sure how the stock handles the longer epg. At a guess, im assuming its using the the wrong device id. I dont have the subscription, so ive never tried to see how the plugin handles it unfortunately.
Some others may be able to chime in, and if any technical details can be provided, im happy to try and implement it into the addon.
My thoughts are along the lines of
1) Does the dvr instance (run on nas or wherever) have its own device id and auth id separate to the actual tuner?
2) Does the subscription flag the device id of the tuner box at SD's end so the epg requests with that auth id are all extended?
If 1 is yes, the stock plugin doesnt handle multiple tuner devices well at all, and i would expect 2 to be no. All guesses though. I just havent a need for the subscription to test anything in relation to the longer epg data.
Sorry theres no real good news for you in all that.
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Yeah, that plugin was made to utilise the DVR service fully.
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I'm having the same issue. I;ve just bought an HdHomerun and the sub to use with Kodi. Using the PVR addon in the Kodi repo gives me an EPG for the rest of the current day and no option to record.
I contacted the HDHomerun support and they told me I'm using the wrong add-on, I should use the HDHomerun addon in the Video section of the Kodi Repo. Ive tried that and it runs an actual addon that is similar to the normal HDHomerun apps. Trouble is, is pretty poor, and why would I want to an addon in Kodi that is inferior to the Android HDHomerun addon that's also on my Nvidia Shield TV? I was hoping for a more integrated experience, where the Live TV option in Kodi picked it all up and allowed me to record, etc, but it seems that's not how the HDHomerun addons work. Its either integrated into Kodi but with only the current days EPG and no record, a crap addon via Kodi, or the Android addon.
Thinking I might be returning mine. Such a shame as I was initially quite impressed with the mobile apps, but the main requirement for me is using it with Kodi as that's our main TV and media player.