Quartz language support (or lack thereof)
Hey guys,

I'm looking for help with translating Quartz for use by non-English speakers. If anyone is willing to help, the strings file for Quartz can be downloaded here.

Every entry has a msgstr field for the translation below the English text.

Completed translations can be emailed to j33p3r @ gmail dot com.

Thank you for helping make Quartz a world-class skin!

Note: Before anyone asks about Transifex... I'm willing set that up if there's an appetite for it. Keeping it simple for now.
Transifex is already being used by Kodi and for example LibreELEC. It would be 'consistent' IMO if skins and possibly add-ons as well would utilize Transifex as a translation central point. Just my 2 cents. Smile
Good point. Which language can I put you down for? Big Grin

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