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Distinct remote/keyboard commands for Play and Pause, instead of play/pause toggle?
It looks like the Play/Pause button is the same button that toggles? Is there a way to set things up using the keymap add on so that there is a dedicated play and dedicated pause button, separately? Here's a specific scenario - using a remote control - when I am rewinding during video playback and get to the point where I want to resume playback, I hit the Play button. However that just stops the REW function and pauses things. So I then have to hit the play button a second time to get it to actually start playing. It would be great if there was a way to go from in the middle of rewinding and hit one button for Play for it to start playing from there. Can someone please explain if this is possible and the steps using Keymap editor to do this? I do have a way to maps my remote to different keyboard keys.  I am surprised the play and pause buttons are mapped to the same thing. I would imagine I am not the only person that would like to go straight from FF or REW into play without having to hit play button twice. Thank you for help.
There is a dedicated play button so, what I did was set the "P" for the play button and set the "space" bar for the pause button.  That way, when you are fast forwarding and get to your spot you can hit the play button (which is the P and dedicated to play) and it will resume play without the inconvenient pause in between. Hope that helps.
(2018-08-22, 04:38)nolos Wrote: There is a dedicated play button so, what I did was set the "P" for the play button and set the "space" bar for the pause button.  That way, when you are fast forwarding and get to your spot you can hit the play button (which is the P and dedicated to play) and it will resume play without the inconvenient pause in between. Hope that helps.
 Thank you! Can you explain in detail please how exactly you set this up? I tried doing this with the keymap editor add-on and couldn't get it to work - the play button continued to act as a toggle between play/pause. I am open to do it with the raw keymap xml edits or using the add-on.

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Distinct remote/keyboard commands for Play and Pause, instead of play/pause toggle?0