Fatal error in Czech language file
Can you advice me where is the right place for reporting a bug in the main Czech language file? I point out that it is not a cosmetic affair, but the error that causes the fall of the whole Kodi.
Hello, I don't think you actually can submit a bug report on transifex. I think you'll have more luck on official kodi bug tracker (https://trac.kodi.tv).
Just curious, @JiRo what kind of crashes are you experiencing? I've been getting crashes while entering or exiting library menus, but only with certain skins, namely Estuary Mod v2 and nothing is showing in logs. It took me quite a while to figure ot what was causing them. When I set kodi back to english or some other language (I tried Polish and German so far) crashes stopped. So there definitely is some kind of problem. I'm not sure however it's with the translation itself.
This thread isn't about resolving an error.
This bug has already been found and repaired (Transifex> Kodi-Main> Czech> Kodi-core). You can find more information in Czech Kodi forum in Estuary MOD V2 - KODI 18 (Leia) thread.

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Fatal error in Czech language file0