Making my first video library and keeping the played ticks
My first post, in the right place I hope. I have been using Kodi to watch my videos for quite some time, I think it is great! But now I an ready to create a video library and start using that rather than just looking at the folders of files. Here's the thing: Kodi already shows me what files I have played (they are ticked), is there some way to add my videos to the library and still keep that information?

I also wonder what is the best way to organise my videos, they are a mix of DVDs of movies and TV shows. I should probably reorganise them before I add them to the library, is that right? Is there a guide for beginners like me? Please point me at it.

See the HowTo Create Video Library link in My Signature below for a guide.

The ticks should transfer across when you add your movies to the library.

How you organise videos is more of a personal decision. Members separate their movies in a variety of ways. Some include by Genre, Resolution, Format, Year, Alphabetical etc. It is pretty flexible, just don't put your 3000 movies in the one Source.
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Making my first video library and keeping the played ticks0