module errors on boot-up

I am reposting my previous request on errors when booting my Raspberry Pi 2 with the hope to receive some help.

The errors occur because of missing modules before launching any addons and before the starting services. My clean system (without "infestation of banned addons (wiki)") shows these problems. Here is my kodi.log.

The following errors show up shortly after booting:
  • skin helper service error
  • trakt error
  • Python requests error
I haven't touched my configuration, so I'm really perplexed how this can happen.

The log file kodi.log says:

Error Contents: No module named packages.urllib3.exceptions

Could this be one of the problems? Is there a module path which is not resolved? How does kodi find the adequate modules?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Mike
You are not making yourself popular...

Offering a new, "clean" kodi.log file, yet with still your several references to banned addons in place as path substitutions.
Disabled or not, those entries in your advancedsettings.xml file still represent IMHO a finger to Team Kodi and its zero-tolerance towards the piracy policy (wiki) as per forum rules (wiki) to which you agreed to upon registering.

You get one last chance.

If you want to keep things simple: rename your current .kodi profile folder and start testing from scratch with no addons and thus without "outside interference". Install trakt and test again. If there is still trouble, provide a new kodi.log file.
Thanks for your suggestions Klojum, I will remove and reinstall trakt again and see. Renaming the .kodi folder is also a good idea for testing. Will search for disabled addons and remove. Best, Mike

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