Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
2nd screen fullscreen? And startup problems.
Hi everyone.. How do? Big Grin

Apologies if this question may have been asked / addressed elsewhere (I have used the search to try and answer it Nod).

I'm trying to get XBMC to startup full screen on my 40" LCD (2nd screen, dual view) and can't seem to make it work. XBMC always seems to startup on the primary monitor.

Plus, Rolleyes if I run XBMC once (running in full screen 1920x1200), quit out, then try to start it again XBMC will start, but in a minimized state that I can't seem to get it out of. I found that if I change the - <videoscreen> <guicalibration /> <resolution> parameter to a different mode, then start up again, it'll fire up no problem, but if i set the mode back to 1920x1200, quit and try and restart the problem comes back.

Any ideas / comments on these?



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2nd screen fullscreen? And startup problems.0