Solved Various Crash to Desktop when run .zip [Windows64bit,nightly kodi leia]
Actually i experience a Crash to desktop with:
any nintendo 64 game
any mame game (in .zip format)

N64 is still in development
In order to correctly run .zip files on Retroplay you must deactivate the virtual file system addons about compressed files and create/edit advancedsettings.xml in order to disable from videoplayer and musicplayer to run .zip
N64 is not supported yet because it required OpenGL (the 3D API), which is currently a work-in-progress. Thought I agree that Kodi should fail gracefully instead of hard-crash.

I'm not sure what's causing the MAME error. Can you investigate further? A debug log might help.

RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2018-11-17, 20:58)garbear Wrote: N64 is not supported yet because it required OpenGL (the 3D API), which is currently a work-in-progress. Thought I agree that Kodi should fail gracefully instead of hard-crash.

I'm not sure what's causing the MAME error. Can you investigate further? A debug log might help.


This is the last part of debug from when i open the game source and run it.
I don't know if it's usefull. Tested with the last nightly build of leia on Windows 64bit platform

Tested again with the last nighty build on windows64, i installed also the mame2010 (the other was the 2000 if i remember it well).
Same Crash to desktop. Strange thing is that i don't even get the dialog about what emulator i wish to use in order to open the game.

Can be some kind of conflict caused by the file extension .zip?
(2018-11-17, 20:58)garbear Wrote: N64 is not supported yet because it required OpenGL (the 3D API), which is currently a work-in-progress. Thought I agree that Kodi should fail gracefully instead of hard-crash.

I'm not sure what's causing the MAME error. Can you investigate further? A debug log might help.

 I was able to find what cause the Crash To Desktop.
Now i will make some more test but actually the CTD is caused by having installed the addons about virtual file system "archive" (for .zip support)
Disabling it will cause no crash to desktop but still the rom seems to don't run. (i uninstalled the various virtual filesystem addons)

For some kind of files it will search inside the .zip (showing me the content) instead of running it
Checking the Debug verbose log seems like (i don't know if it's a normal behavior or not) that the rom will be used as a type video file
12:29:59.851 T:4596   DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnPlay  - data: {"item":{"title":"","type":"movie"},"player":{"playerid":-1,"speed":1}}

If i can help someway just tell me what you need and i will be glad to help
I can say that for some kind of reason Kodi launch the game with the video player instead of using retroplayer as default
I discovered it by using instead of the game window the file manager and "play with/using..."

There is some option/setting to touch in order to make it run the .zip always with retroplayer as default?
Add '<videoextensions><remove>.zip</remove></videoextensions>' in advancedsettings.xml#videoextensions (wiki).
(2018-11-23, 17:05)Rechi Wrote: Add '<videoextensions><remove>.zip</remove></videoextensions>' in advancedsettings.xml#videoextensions (wiki).
 Thank You Rechi!
This resolved partially the problem, now for some kind of strange reason is trying to load them with PapPlayer (i suppose the audio player)
I also have some problem: some .zip get open (and i can see the inside of the .zip) instead to be loaded in retroplayer directly

Any other suggestion in order to solve this?

i tried to add also <audioextensions><reomove>.zip</remove></audioextensions> but still loaded in as default in PAPlayer
Thanks in advance
Correct name is musicextensions not audioextensions, see advancedsettings.xml#musicextensions (wiki).
(2018-11-24, 11:15)Rechi Wrote: Correct name is musicextensions not audioextensions, see advancedsettings.xml#musicextensions (wiki).
 Sorry, my fault, but that does the trick and now seems everything works as it's supposed to!
Thank You again!

There isn't a way to remove automatically those extensions from the audio/video player without using the advancedsettings.xml?
Only if you compile Kodi yourself.
@3xistence the XML you want is:


Ultimately we need a "parser" that looks at the file data to figure out what to do with it. Until we write this, the above XML is your best bet for optimal game experience.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2018-11-26, 03:28)garbear Wrote: @3xistence the XML you want is:

Ultimately we need a "parser" that looks at the file data to figure out what to do with it. Until we write this, the above XML is your best bet for optimal game experience. 
 Thank You GarBear for your explanation!
There's any way to set an emulator as default and avoid the "choose the emulator" list every time?
It Can be another nice addition
(2018-11-26, 11:11)3xistence Wrote: There's any way to set an emulator as default and avoid the "choose the emulator" list every time?
It Can be another nice addition 
No, sorry. Kodi auto-highlights the last emulator used but you can't avoid the dialog at this point.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Hey there,

I am also having the issue with N64 emulators, where they immediately crash. I have tried both of the n64 emulators with Kodi 18 and both crash.

Can you please provide some steps on how you got this working?

Thanks in advance
N64 requires OpenGL support, which is not finished yet.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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Various Crash to Desktop when run .zip [Windows64bit,nightly kodi leia]0