Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v17 Plexbmc Homeshelf & Submenu Buttons don't work

I am using Kodi 17.6 on a new MiBox S with Amber-Skin to implement my Plexbmc on the Home-Layout. The connection works fine and I can watch movies from my plex server perfectly.
The plex categories are shown on my Amber Homelayout correctly. For example the "recommended" and "on deck" movies are shown with covers and so on on the homeshelf and I can start the movies.
BUT: None of the menu or submenu buttons on the homescreen are working?

For example:
I just move horizontaly to the plex "movies" categorie of my plex on the home menu. The homeshelf shows some movie covers (recommended and on deck) and I could use these movies correctly. But if I click on the movies menu button itself or click any submenu entry of it, really nothing happens. It's the same with every other plex menu entry. I can use the shown files on the home shelf but I cannot use the menu buttons.

The whole system is a clean and new installation with each last stable version (kodi, amber and plexbmc).

I am at the point, that I have tried every setting option and I cannot solve the problem. Could I do anything else?
When I am changing the skin, every button entry works and I can list the whole plex database entries. It has anything to do with the Amber skin. I would like to keep it, because it has very nice home screen implementation of my plex movies.

Thanks a lot!

Does nobody know how to check the Amber Menu-Buttons or the path they are leading to? :/

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Plexbmc Homeshelf & Submenu Buttons don't work0