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QNAP vs Asustor NAS with KODI 18
I'm trying to figure out what to go for. Asustor is low priced but KODI seems to be gone from its app store. Same with QNAP. Will it come back? Does it support full 4k bluray rips and lossless sound?
Why would you want to run Kodi off a NAS file server..?
Normally i wouldn't. But seeing that one now can have an all in one for less cost is a great way to do things. I need a NAS for backup etc. And seeing that one can have a NAS that has HDMI 2.0 out of it, and can run KODI on it. One does not need a NAS and a Media Player to use KODI.
That's an interesting concept.  I guess if your NAS is within HDMI cable range of your display it is an option.  I couldn't find much about the ADM OS, but it does seem like you can run a Linux VM on it and then maybe run a Linux Kodi?

scott s.

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QNAP vs Asustor NAS with KODI 180