Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to change video directory
probably it's another dummy question:
How can I change the recording directory?

By default recordings are stored in /var/lib/video, but I would like to have another location.
I tried to add it to /etc/defaults/vdr (was ignored), tried to start vdr with -v /<new path> (didn't work), mount bind did work, but probably there's another option.
I've searched wiki and forum and found nothing.

I hope someone can help.
Best wishes

have a look at the following post:

Regards Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi
Yes, great! That's it.
/etc/vdr/conf.d/00-vdr.conf worked.
Thank you!
Great, have fun! Regards Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi

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