2019-03-15, 13:14
Hello all !
I'm trying to add a shortcut to the IAGL addon under the Games menu, without success ...
For the moment, I managed to add an "Extensions" submenu by modifying the Home.xml file and adding the code:
I've also tried modifying the Confluence settings.xml file in Userdata here:
Is there a solution ?
Thanks !
I'm trying to add a shortcut to the IAGL addon under the Games menu, without success ...
For the moment, I managed to add an "Extensions" submenu by modifying the Home.xml file and adding the code:
Then modifying the IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml file by adding the code:xml:
<control type="grouplist" id="9018">
<!--Buttons for the grouplist -->
This gives access via this sub-menu to the IAGL extension. But in the Confluence skin configuration menu, I can not add IAGL to shortcuts, just shortcuts to emulators ... Why?xml:
<include name="HomeSubMenuGames">
<control type="image" id="90147">
<texture border="0,0,0,3" flipx="true">HomeSubEnd.png</texture>
<control type="button" id="90148">
<control type="image" id="90149">
<texture border="0,0,0,3">HomeSubEnd.png</texture>
I've also tried modifying the Confluence settings.xml file in Userdata here:
But the modifications that I make there are not preserved at the restart of Kodi ...xml:<setting id = "HomeGameButton1" type = "string"> plugin.program.iagl </ setting>
Is there a solution ?
Thanks !