Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Bug Clean library hangs for a very long time with offline network shares
My video sources are on a local hard disk and a network server. I've added both paths to kodis library. The network server is most of the time offline while I copy movies to watch next to the local hard disk where kodi is running.
After watching local movies I delete them locally and copy new files to the local storage. A database update finds new movies and adds them to the local db but already deleted files are still available in kodi.
So I have to "clean library" in the video library settings to delete old entries that do not exist anymore.

When the network server is online everything works fine. But when the network server is offline the "clean library" process seems to hang and I had to break it after hours. I think kodi checks every file on the offline server and waits for a timeout before proceeding with the next offline file.

Is there any way to clean only the library with local files and to skip files on servers that seem to be offline?


Best regards!

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Clean library hangs for a very long time with offline network shares0