Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
TV Guide / TImeline with CEC

I'm using Kodi 18 on an Odroid C2 with HDMI-CEC.

I'm using the IPTV Simple Client and the Timeline shown when I go to TV -> Guide is very useful.

But using my TV remote, pressing up and down goes through the channels as I want, and pressing left and run goes forward and back in the time line (horizontally).

How can I get the control  / focus to go to the scrollbar at the right? (in order to scroll quickly down through the channels).

And how to can I get the control / focus to the list of the channel groups up on top to scroll through them?

Is this possible to do this with a HDMI-CEC connected TV remote?

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TV Guide / TImeline with CEC0