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Release [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - CONTENT (Read only)
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Because this is about the overview!
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What is the project about?
It's about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_poste...er_posters
Semi-offical in kodi.wiki: https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#pos...oster_sets

Classic multiimage sideshow -> this is this project & the content mostly prepared for

(considering the patience of the audience, the video is 300% speed)

Another possibility with actor name label matching -> experimental, needs preparation, not further stated here

For what is it?
Like all other artwork only for eyecandy and bling bling!
To make you curious about a movie and make you want to watch it, or to impress your friends who only know the Amazon Prime/Netflix UI.
What is the difference between a Character poster compared to a usual other poster.
A "usual" normal poster is unique in design and layout.
In contrary a Character poster/Extraposter has in count at least 2 or 3 posters from movie advertising campaigns with some kind of uniform in design and structure.

A maximum doesn't exist, highest character poster count ever saw was "Avengers: Endgame (2019)" with 32 uniform character posters.
Minimum count are 2 uniform character posters, several out there...
There already are on several Movies Character poster on TMDB available, why we need a project for that?
Yes, but there is all mixed together! And if you use the ArtworkBeef multiposter download function you will also get all random mixed.
Here the goal is, with a push of a button to get all the Character posters/Extraposters that belong together from an advertising campaign of a movie.
Everything is pre-sorted and in an order.
Needs this Skin support?
The next paragraph can only work if skin support is given.
Skin support is required!
How and where the Character poster will be stored, named and integrated into Kodi?
General, this project can only be used if you use local artwork! The same way how multiposter is now working in ArtworkBeef!
For example when your movies are in folders and your main poster is simple called poster.jpg, then use for character posters "poster1.jpg", "poster2.jpg" and so on -> without moviefilename prefix.
If your movies are in folders and your main poster is called Moviefilename-poster.jpg, then use for character posters poster "Moviefilename-poster1.jpg" and so on -> with moviefilename prefix.
If in folders, both is supported and possible, but choose and make all the same, not a convention mixup.
If not in folders but all in a row, then you have to use -> with moviefilename prefix.

If you need assistance how to load the images into the Kodi DB, please aquire Movie_artwork (wiki) for overview,
for Kodi 17,18 Artwork Beef wiki or Artwork Beef addon forum thread, for Kodi 19 Artwork Dump addon forum thread
The addon free solution via advancedsettings.xml longer not tested -> https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings....ra_artwork
Which skins have integrated this?
@manfeed has integrated this feature very deep & artistic coded in his skin AEON TAJO & AEON MQ 8 TAJO
@latts9923 also integrated in his skins AEON MQ 7 Krypton Mod & AEON MQ 7 Leia Mod & AEON MQ 8 Mod
Section needs to be updated
For which Poster language is it intended?
At first only for English international (UK+US)
Exception with on purpose english mixed with another language posters for example for "The Great Wall (2016)"
I discovered a nice Character Poster set not yet posted here, can i request it?
Yes, here -> CLICK
Any kind of conventions or quality aspects to mention?
  • It should be a character poster (consistent and uniform in (art)design and layout)
  • At first english only
  • Sets can have different resolution and aspect ratio, but the posters in a set always have the same resolution and aspect ratio.
  • Cause a lot skins in a lot views are showing the poster in stretched mode it should also still look good in stretched mode... cause this:
  • I will not add ultrawide stretched portrait posters looks like standing banners, it will not look good in skin! I have no idea why that is so modern now. -> example
  • I will also not add square posters -> example
Any more features to mention?
Yes, there will be a sort sequence of character posters in the sets. Why?
When you use it in Skin as multiimage in random order then it does not matter.
But you can use it also as integer (until 9 poster) and that is very convenient for many poster sets.
For example on a Purge movie the red front letters in the posters give only in the right sort order the word "P U R G E"
Or other example the Oceans Eight movie the characters are numbered from 1-8
Lot examples more...
As fallback the order will be the cast/character order from TMDB without exception!
This are only examples is why the character poster sets are careful sorted and would be also useful when run in integer mode in skin:
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) -> connected wall view
Allegiant (2016) -> ascending percent
Green Lantern (2011) -> connected tagline that only makes sense in the right order
Ocean's Eight (2018) -> ascending numbering
Insurgent (2015) -> letters that only make a word in the right order
The Hunger Games (2012) -> numbering of districts ascending
...and a lot more!

9 (2009) #1

Original posters
The size (1050x1500)

300 (2006) #1

Original posters
The size (600x960)

300 - Rise of an Empire (2014) #1

Original posters
The size (1378x2048)

300 - Rise of an Empire (2014) #2

Original posters
The size (988x1500)

47 Ronin (2013) #1

Original posters
The size (947x1500)

A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) #1

Original posters
The size (1293x2048)

A Scanner Darkly (2006) #1

Original posters
The size (1012x1050)

Tomorrowland (2015) #1

Original posters
The size (1028x1500)

Alice in Wonderland (2010) #1

Original posters
The size (938x1500)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) #1

Original posters
The size (1404x2048)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) #2

Original posters
The size (1404x2048)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) #3

Original posters
The size (864x1280)

Inside Out (2015) #1

Original posters
The size (915x1500)

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[ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - CONTENT (Read only)5