Are you maybe interested to extend and upgrade the features of EmbuaryHelper a bit?
Unfortunately, the content of most InfoLabes are summarized! Studios, but also for Country, Genre, Director, Writer, Cast ...
Exception: Language and Subtitle
But with your HelperScript the skinner @
manfeed got it to work with the "Cast" code from EmbuaryHelper to get individual content out of the Cast (only in Leia, not Krypton).
It would open up a lot of new possibilities and goals for Skinner to get these (combined content) InfoLabels running for resource addons too.
Countries and Genre image resource addons are existing since a long time, but can be only used for Content.Container Label matching.
But then it would be possible to show them everywhere as a multiimage sideshow (e.g. in dialogvideoinfo)
For example The
ACE 2 skin project is experimenting with a country image in dialogvideoinfo, but only functional when only 1 country in InfoLabel.
I have made a simple
Director Thumb resource addon for movie Container.Content directors, but for a second use for example in dialogvideoinfo only functional when only 1 director in InfoLabel.
Only with to do is do adapt the EmbuaryHelper "cast" code for the other InfoLabels as well.