Solved Genre icons when not English language
on my collection the genre are in Italian language (es. Comedy=Commedia) for this reason (I think), genre icons are not visible. How do I fix the problem without having to change the genre to all my films?

Which genre icon pack are you using? Look in Settings > Skin Settings > Icons and Images and check what is installed for Video Genres - Icons

Which platform are you using- Windows?
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you need change filenames items in the genre addon, arts only appear if genre name in Kodi database is the same in art filename, the best solution, rename each item to Italian. Addon all genres are in English. Another way is a change in Kodi database genres to English.
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Thank for yours answers.

My system is Windows, I use FilmStrip HD Coloured Icons (but also with others icons the problem is the same). I understand that I must change the icons name but I don't found where the icons are saved.

The genre icons are located here... C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.moviegenreicons.filmstrip\resources

Locate the Comedy.jpg file and rename it to Commedia.jpg. Do the same for all the genres.

Either directly rename them, or make a copy and rename the copy so you have both the Italian and English versions. It is up to you.
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I found the folder here C:\Users\Flavio\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.moviegenreicons.filmstrip-hd.colour\resources, but in this folder I have only one file textures.xbt and no jpg files
(2019-07-29, 23:39)flavio1961 Wrote: Hi,

I found the folder here C:\Users\Flavio\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.moviegenreicons.filmstrip-hd.colour\resources, but in this folder I have only one file textures.xbt and no jpg files
-> Texture Tool
  • Decompile
  • Modify
  • Compile
Half of resource addons i use, use a compiled textures.xbt, and the other half does not ... am really wondering why this is still in use. Not practical for a layman. Anyway just my opinion...
If you struggle with the Texture Tool (sometimes it does not work correctly), then here is the Source...

You can download by clicking on the Green Clone or Download button and selecting Download Zip.

Then unzip the file and save the jpg images to that folder. Make sure you remove the xbt file otherwise Kodi will still try to use it. If it is removed, Kodi will use the jpg files.
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Thank's to all, I solved with Texture Tool.
Thread marked solved.
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Genre icons when not English language1